My nephew recently got a mobile phone. So the number of mobile connections in India seems to have +1. As soon as he got this mobile he started calling his first circle to give his mobile number.

I had two conversations with him. One of the phone and another face to face.
When he called me he asked,
Nephew: “Mama (Uncle), this is my mobile number. Save it. Where are you mama ?”
Me: “In office”
Nephew: “What are you doing?”
Me: “I am working”
Nephew: “OK. Bye” (I could sense his dissatisfaction with my response)
Few days later he came home and he took this conversation forward. He is just 12 years old.
Nephew: “The other day I called you. I obviously know you were working in the office. But what do you do?”
Me: “I run a website called…”, he cuts me off
Nephew: “I know about We visit it at home. But WHAT DO YOU ACTUALLY DO there?”
I could feel do I answer this boy in the next few seconds?
Me: “Well, you know I am an engineer. Also I like to read and write articles. So I work with the team on what we need to do in a website to become big”
Nephew: “OK, but once you have done it what do you do in the company?”
Me: (baffled) “I keep trying to give ideas on how to grow and once I know the team can handle it they take it forward”
Nephew: “But once a website is on its own do you think of doing another website?”
This was big ouch! My nephew started giving me strategy gyan, that too in the dotcom field.
Enjoyed reading obsorbing conversation. please avoid giving my cell number to your Nephew:)
By the way, you have not given his second question reply.
The present young generations learning lot and asking lot, we are unable to answer them questions. 🙂 nice conversation.