Twitter, Facebook, Orkut are free to use, leveraging them for marketing purposes takes time, expertise and money. According to an article in Businessweek by B.L. Ochman says,
Integrating these tools into a corporate marketing program requires skill, time, and money. The budget for an effective social media marketing campaign begins at $50,000 for two to three months. I’m sure companies have spent less, and I know they’ve spent more.
As a rule, a $50,000 to $100,000 budget can cover the creation of a simple multimedia microsite that becomes the center of an online community.
A successful social media campaign integrates social media into the many elements of marketing, including advertising, digital, and PR.
Many are under the impression that you can do it in-house. If you have the time and expertise you could but usually you don’t have the time.
All these tools are free (including the blog hosting software WordPress) but unless it is marketed well I don’t think your efforts will succeed. You come across many successful blogs which haven’t spent money on marketing but they would be spending time+effort on writing good content.
But too much of activity on social media may lead to a e-migraine for your readers.
With elections in India round the corner it would be interesting to see how our politicians use the social media. It would be good to see the government using the social media.
Excellent post! Social media is the important part of Digital marketing. In social media we use facebook for the our website products promotion. Nowdays, more and more people use facebook. facebook is the important parts of social media. thanks for sharing post.