released its mobile apps for Samsung Bada & iPhone handsets. While Samsung Bada (Wave series of handsets) don’t support Indian languages (yet), our iPhone app supports the 5 Indian languages covers (Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu).
The app development on Samsung platform was seamless. We did not have any hurdles working with the development team. In fact the app was developed in few days.
iPhone has been a very popular platform amongst the youth & not-so-youth. We have been receiving emails from many of our users to release our application on iPhone and iPad. Oneindia iphone app is the first iPhone app which publishes multiple Indian languages (you have apps that allow you to add RSS from various sources, but it just isn’t the same as our app)
Our first mobile application, DailyHunt, was released in September 2010. I believe DailyHunt handles a lot of Indian language complexities (on the font front) and they do a great job on it.
We at have been very pleased with the growth of our user base on Newshunt. We are confident of seeing a similar response for our Samsung Bada and iphone apps.
Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
Ramaniammah. Perinpasivam says