As the entire world knows Big B blogs on BigAdda. Big B’s Aug 13, 2008 blog posting reads,
Wrote a whole blog.. Server went down.. Lost it all.. And it is still not working.. Frustrated and annoyed at this.. It was an important one.. Very important
Very strange. I was looking at the source of his posting and I saw,
<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 2.5" />
His blog is using one of the most popular blogging platforms – WordPress 2.5, doesn’t it save the draft while writing? I think it does. My blog too uses WordPress, the only difference being, I am not Big B 😉 OK..ok, the difference is I use WordPress 2.5.1 but I do remember the drafts being saved in previous versions also. See the snapshot from the “Write Post” page.
The next day he had a problem in accessing the server. Would love to host his blog, but I cannot afford to do so!
Hmm…Big B seems to be having an Unforgettable Tour lately (lost baggage etc) 🙁 Big B’s blog has a huge following, it would be useful if he reduces the size of the header. It is way too “Big”.
After I read his blog today I decided to check out BigAdda myself. Had received so many invitations but never joined. I finally registered, have few thoughts on it. Will write later.
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