American households are known to binge on technology toys at home. The young in India too love to have the latest & greatest technology toys, which is seen as an entertainment toy. Few highlights from the NielsenWire’s report on Tech Trends in US households,
- Sales of 41″ and bigger TVs on the rise. Specifically, HDTV sets have increased 26.9% and LCD flat screens are up 48.2% from Q3 2008 to Q2 2010. You do see a similar trend in India too (usage of bigger TVs)
- 85.3% of Americans have some kind of Internet access either through home and/or work. Alas, only if India had this trend. We internet entrepreneurs would have a far lighter day at work.
- WiFi (wireless network) in the home increased 8.2% from Q1 2010 to Q2 2010 and 24% over eight quarters. India too can easily have this trend, first we need to have a far higher internet user base.
- DVRs, iPods, MP3 players usage on the rise.
- Products that are losing its shine: satellite radio, VCRs (a whopping 70% of US households still have VCRs!), DVD players (in view of Netflix streaming?), PDAs (replaced by smartphones)
Indian internet surfers need to wait for far higher broadband connections at home. The day we have seamless high internet access we too can use streaming services such as Netflix.
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