By 2017 the internet will be the biggest advertising medium in 12 key markets, according to the report “Advertising Expenditure Forecasts – June 2015” from ZenithOptimedia. Internet ad spend, which will include the mobile, will be representing 28% of global ad spend by 2017. The good news is that internet ad spend would overtake traditional TV (just TV sets, doesn’t include TV watched online).
There is no specific mention about India from any of the articles published, but reasonably sure mobile ad spend in India too will rock by 2017. Other highlights from the report,
- TV global ad spends share: 39% in 2014, 36.8% by 2017 (advertisers will shift their TV ad spend to online video).
- Online video global ad spends share: 2.1% in 2014, 4% by 2017.
- Social media ad spend is growing at 25% a year.
- Paid search is expected to grow 12% a year to 2017
- The Internet is a dominant medium in UK, Australia, Canada, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden.
- The main driver of internet growth is mobile advertising.
- Mobile ad share of the total ad spend will double from 5.1% in 2014 to 12.9% in 2017.
- Mobile is predicted to contribute 70% of all global ad spends growth over 2014-2017 period.

The infographic clearly shows ad spend in the print medium will shrink. Print and TV is still strong in India but over time it will see stiff competition from the digital medium, especially the mobile.
It would be interesting to see how Native advertising shapes up in the coming years. It is expected to account for 75% of the total display advertising in countries like the US.
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