It is a well-known fact that branding plays a significant role in the success of any product. For branding to succeed, the “brand recall” needs to be good. And when the brand recall is a result of word-of-mouth marketing, you know the branding has succeeded. With over 560 million internet users, India is the second-largest […]
Bangalore to get free WiFi, free garbage
A few months ago Bangalore was upset with their beloved elected members (MLAs) because they were on a ‘study tour‘ to Argentina, Chile and Peru. At times we citizens jump to conclusions; we all thought they were wasting money. But now we learn they went for something good – they indeed had something to bring […]
Leased line customers required to report WiFi usage to their ISPs
Today we received an email from Tata Communications (VSNL), our leased line provider. The govt has asked all their (ISPs in general) customers to get it in writing from their customers about the WiFi usage. The govt, especially under the new Home Minister Chidambaram has been taking some steps to counter terrorism. We basically need […]