30% of smartphones in India are phablets.
15% of smartphone users in India go for unlimited data plan
Nielsen has analyzed the data plans of smartphone users around the world. In India most of them prefer to pay per MB of usage, in Japan most want unlimited data.
Smartphones to double, 3G usage will surpass 2G in India in 2013
With the falling prices of smartphones the penetration of it is expected to double in India in 2013. The youth is pushing the mobile internet usage in India.
Urban kids under 18 in India spend 40 minutes a day on mobile internet
A 2 year old using iPad comfortably The news about mobile penetration in India is not new. India is witnessing an increase in mobile internet usage, in fact we at Oneindia see a substantial growth in our mobile traffic. The recent report by Ericsson focuses on mobile internet usage by children in urban India. Few […]
Mobile platform in India: Android and Facebook are the undisputed leaders
Nielsen’s report “Smart and Social: Android Phones in India” highlights the usage of smartphones in India. The two dominant operating systems on the mobile are Google’s Android and Apple’s iOS. For the past one year Android has grown well in India, the main reason being ‘affordable’ Android mobile phones (sub Rs 10,000 / $200) are […]